By changing one detail - you can improve the whole.
Leave those details on us.
If you are not sure whats missing in your interior - we have the answer.
The Flowers Nairi professional team of Floral Designers will make sure your home ,office, restaurant or any other place feels to be an even better place after we give it a touch of nature, life and color.
Leave your comfort on us.
By changing one detail - you can improve the whole.
Leave those details on us.
If you are not sure whats missing in your interior - we have the answer.
The Flowers Nairi professional team of Floral Designers will make sure your home ,office, restaurant or any other place feels to be an even better place after we give it a touch of nature, life and color.
Leave your comfort on us.

weddings, floral objects, interior decorations
21/3/2020 professional flower show / 12-17.00
22/3/2020 public exposition / 10-17.00
Venue: Orea Hotel Pyramida, Bělohorská 24,16900,Praha 6, ČR
Event organizer: Flowers Nairi Production
Only for the participants of the Spirit of Flowers 2020 event, our partner Hotel Pyramida prepared a special offer of accommodation in the event date and 3 days before and after the date of the event, below is the link to the accommodation.
follow us for updates

Flowers Nairi s.r.o.
Praha 1, Nové Město, Na příkopě 859/22
IČ: 08433593
Art-director: Zdeněk Kupilík
Kontakt: +420 604 237 593
Tickets available on the link below. Go to purchase. Number of tickets is limited.
Ticket price 4000 CZK